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  • Kokanee Dodger Arrow Flash combines maximum flash, including UV, with a ‘wide wash’ action that not only draws fish into the strike zone, but also adds an enticing action to the bait or lures itself. Arrow Flash Dodgers work well even at the slowest trolling speeds or river currents.

  • The Kokanee Dodger Arrow Flash Jr. has an action that sways side-to-side in nearly a ‘U- Shaped’ pattern. The Kokanee Dodger; Arrow Flash Jr. , although smaller than a standard-size Arrow Flash, the Jr. version still puts plenty of action to your bait or lure. Great for either kokanee or trout.

  • Sale!

    We keep hearing that serious anglers of all sorts want larger Arrow Flash Dodgers. Some want it for Kokanee, some for Sockeye, and some for Salmon or Other Game Fish.

    If you are one of those Serious Anglers who want a Magnum Size Arrow Flash Dodger we have a special opportunity for you.

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